Monday, December 30, 2024

Join us on January 13th, as Dr. Leo Fernandino presents: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, and the Brain: How are they related?

Hello all!! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season, and also want to make sure you mark your calendars for our January talk by a recurring USS fan favorite: Dr. Leonardo Fernandino!! Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Tell Alexa, Siri or any other AI "friend" of choice (though honestly, they probably already know ;). Hope to see you there!!

The emergence of ChatGPT and related applications based on deep learning has sparked a new wave of enthusiasm and controversy around artificial intelligence. Come see MCW's Leo Fernandino discuss how this technology works, how it relates to human intelligence, and how it could be improved to overcome its current limitations.

Leo Fernandino is Assistant Professor of Neurology and Biomedical Engineering and directory of the Semantic Cognition Lab at the Medical College of Wisconsin. His research uses functional neuroimaging to investigate the neural and computational mechanisms of concept representation and language comprehension.

Event info:
Date: 1/13/25
Time: 7-9pm CST
Cost: FREE!!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI