Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Join us on December 10th, as we host a free movie screening of Particle Fever!!

Greetings once again to all the nerds out there!! Hope you feasted well over Thanksgiving!! And now it's almost time to feast once again, but this time feast your brain on SCIENCE!!! Bring your family and friends once again to the back room of the Sugar Maple as we screen (for FREE!!) Particle Fever - a documentary on physics and the launch of the Large Hadron Collider. Grab a beer and come learn some stuff!!

Hope to see you there!!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Join us on November 12th, as Dr. Jennifer Jordan presents: 1000 years of Hops and Beer

Come one and all once again as we snuggle in the back room of the Sugar Maple on November 12th for the return of UWM's very own Dr. Jennifer Jordan, professor of sociology and urban studies, presents a talk on the history of a little green flower many of us, at least indirectly, know and love: Hops!!

How much do you know about the little flower used in the brewing of beer? Jennifer Jordan will present her ongoing research on 1000 years of the history of hops, including the brief period when Wisconsin hops reigned supreme. Learn how changing tastes for bitterness also changed plants, landscapes, and labor practices across centuries and across continents.

Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Come to the Sugar Maple to have some delicious beer and learn a bit of history for that delightful beverage. Hope to see you there!!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Join us on October 8th, as Tony Gustin, The Bug Whisperer himself, presents: So, Entomology, Why?

Come one and all!!! As we return to our nest in the snug back room of the Sugar Maple once again!! This month we have as our esteemed speaker an energetic expert on the creepiest of crawlies that will be sure to get you in the Halloween spirit!! Come see Tony Gustin, the Bug Whisperer, speak on the science of BUGS!!!

(photo credit: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

This talk will focus on an introduction to the study of insects and how it impacts our lives. Insects are everywhere and affect everything. We depend on them for our existence and yet they are responsible for more human deaths than all wars in history combined. Stop on by and find out how humans coexist with one of the most ancient and dominant lifeforms on the planet, what we can learn from it, and how the study of insects can be used to excite the next generation of brilliant minds.

Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! We hope to see you there!!

More info about the Bug Whisperer, his merch and his show can be found at his website for The Creepy Crawly Zoo

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Join us on September 10th, as MASA's Brandon Gross presents Full Water Perspective: The Global Water Crisis

Come One & All!! As we return once again to the cozy back room of the Sugar Maple for our September installment of USSMKE!!! This month we are pairing up yet again with the Milwaukee Area Science Advocates, as their very own Brandon Gross will educate us on the current state of affairs of something so essential yet often taken for granted: WATER.

Our daily life depends on access to fresh water in more ways than we realize. Learn the "full water perspective" in this exploration of how fresh water moves throughout the globe, how it's used in society, and how scientists and engineers are working hard to help solve the impending "Global Water Crisis". 

Brandon Gross is a biochemist with a Master's Degree from Western Illinois University. Brandon has research experience with numerous universities studying the waters in the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River, and Lake Michigan. He served as a research specialist at UWM's School of Freshwater Sciences for many years and now consults in the private industry to help manufacturing, engineering firms, and hospitals find sustainable solutions for their water use.

So, Come On Down!!! Tell your family!!! Tell your friends!!! Grab a tasty beer (or a water) and let the education and knowledge flow!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Join us on August 13th, as MCW's Sean McGarry presents: Artificial Intelligence: Applications for Today and Tomorrow

Come One & All!!! As we return yet again to the back room of the Sugar Maple for our August Edition of USSMKE!!! This month we welcome The Medical College of Wisconsin's very own Sean McGarry, who will wow us with the intricacies of artificial intelligence, including real life applications within Sean's own research!!

Artificial intelligence is all about how to make a computer mimic human intelligence. AI is now common in our every day lives, but how it works (and doesn't work) can be a mystery. We'll break down the black box and take a look at how math can mimic human intelligence and accomplish some surprisingly complicated feats.

Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Share this post and tweet the tweets!! Hope to see you there!!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Join us on July 9th, as UWM's own Scott Schaefer presents: Fire, Water & Ice: A Brief Geological History of Wisconsin

Come One!!! Come All!!! As we return once again to the cozy back room of the Sugar Maple to be taken on a tour of Wisconsin's geological history, as told by Scott Schaefer from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Geosciences Department.

Wisconsin has a storied and vast geological record that spans the better part of the past 3 billion years. Rich histories are scattered across our state; they lie in our back yards and tower silent in the lake Michigan bluffs, rise humbly against raucous baseball stadiums and even line and underlie our very driveways. In essence, the history of our state is one of fire, water, and ice on grand scales that will be presented as a fun and entertaining introduction to the geological history of our home.

Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Hope to see you there!!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Join us on June 11th, for a free screening of Fantastic Voyage (1966).

Come One!!! Come All!!! As we return once again to the back room of the Sugar Maple for a journey like none other!!! We will be shifting from our past screenings of documentaries to the fun-filled sci-fi classic, Fantastic Voyage.

"A scientist is nearly assassinated. In order to save him, a submarine is shrunken to microscopic size and injected into his bloodstream with a small crew. Problems arise almost as soon as they enter the bloodstream." - description courtesy of IMDb.

Bring your family!! Bring your friends!! BYOP (bring your own popcorn :)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Join us on May 14th, as Dr. Leo Fernandino presents: Human Memory: The Science of How We Learn, Remember & Forget

Come one and all!!! Once again to our cozy corner in the back room of the Sugar Maple for yet another installment of the USS!!! This month we have MCW and MASA's own Dr. Leo Fernandino coming to enlighten us on the intricate workings of the human brain!!

Can you imagine not being able to remember anything that ever happened, experiencing every minute as if it were the first one in your life? The ability to remember things we have learned and recall past experiences is so central to our lives that it is difficult to even imagine how we would be without it. Unfortunately, this ability can be severely affected in people who sustain damage to certain parts of the brain. In this talk, we will explore the brain structures and processes required for storing, retrieving and modifying different types of memories, including recent advances in the field.

Bring your questions!! Bring your friends!! Bring your brains!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Join us on April 9th, as Angie Van Sistine and Amber Bakkum present Astrobiology: Life Beyond Earth

Join us once again in the back room of the Sugar Maple and prepare to be wowed by Angie Van Sistine (UWM and Coffeeshop Astrophysics) and Amber Bakkum (MCW and Milwaukee Area Science Advocates) as they reprise their extremely well received talk given at the CSA forum in February!!

Astronomers are discovering increasing numbers of exoplanets and beginning to understand what types of environments these other worlds may have. At the same time, biologists are digging deeper into how life arises, what it requires to persist, and how it evolves. Astrobiology is the exciting intersection of astronomy and biology that seeks to answer the fundamental question: Does life exist beyond Earth?

Bring your questions! Bring your curiosity!! And bring your friends!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Join us on March 12th as Dr. Gary Casper and Julia Robson present: Wild in Milwaukee.

It's that time once again, for the curious among us to return our cozy nook in the back room of the Sugar Maple to hear Gary S. Casper (UWM Field Station) and Julia L. Robson (Milwaukee County Parks) illuminate us to the wonders that surround us in our very own urban environment.

For 4 years, a team of UWM Field Station and Milwaukee County Parks researchers hunted this urban area, documenting the Actual Reality of biodiversity in the city. This is the story of what they found, and how they found it. 

Bring your curiosity! Bring your questions! Bring your friends!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Join us on February 12th, as Christopher Willey, of UWM's Immersive Media Lab, presents: Our Immersive Realities.

The curious minds of the USS will be gathering once again on February the 12th to see (and experience) UWM's very own Christopher Willey speak on the science and art of immersive realities!!!

This talk will dynamically link bio-chemistry, neurology, linguistics, and information sciences in order to distinguish the structures propelling the evolutions and innovations within culture and technology. After the talk, a whole-hearted discussion on how to morally and ethically proceed in a world on the precipice of singularity forming technologies such as Immersion, Artificial Intelligence, Bio-engineering, and Nanotechnologies. 

Chris Willey, the founder and Creative Director of UWM’s Immersive Media Lab, will be guiding these conversations. Willey is also an interdisciplinary creative, lecturer, author, and curator.

We're realllllly looking forward to wrapping our heads in and around this one!! Hope to see you there, and tell your friends!!! (this talk will also be Livestreamed on the USS facebook event page, so if you can't make it in person, check it out there!)

Here's a bit more about the speaker, his IML at UWM, as well as a link to his TEDx talk. Enjoy!!

Chris Willey:

Instagram: @insta_willey
Email: c.r.willey@gmail.com
Twitter: cwilleystweets

Immersive Media Lab:

TEDx Talk: