Thursday, January 16, 2025

Join us on February 10th, as Dr. Jessica Lelinski presents: Forensic Pathology: this isn't C.S.I.

Greetings all!! Has this cold weather got you feeling like you've come down with a case of rigor mortis? Well, gather a group of equally frozen buddies and all come on down to the Sugar Maple on February 10th to grab a drink, warm up, and listen as Dr. Jessica Lelinski will discuss the basics of the Medical Examiner/Coroner (ME/C) system in Wisconsin, which deaths are investigated by the ME/C offices, and what autopsies can and cannot tell us - it's not as glamorous as what they show on TV but still pretty cool!!

Jessica Lelinski is a forensic pathologist who has worked as an Assistant Medical Examiner at the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office since 2015. She has spent her entire life in the city and suburbs of Milwaukee, apart from one year in Minneapolis during her final year of training. She went to medical school with plans to become a pediatrician, but along the way found that autopsies aren't as scary as they first seemed and that figuring out why people died can be fascinating.

Event info:
Date: 2/10/25
Time: 7-9pm CST
Cost: FREE!!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI

Monday, December 30, 2024

Join us on January 13th, as Dr. Leo Fernandino presents: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, and the Brain: How are they related?

Hello all!! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season, and also want to make sure you mark your calendars for our January talk by a recurring USS fan favorite: Dr. Leonardo Fernandino!! Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Tell Alexa, Siri or any other AI "friend" of choice (though honestly, they probably already know ;). Hope to see you there!!

The emergence of ChatGPT and related applications based on deep learning has sparked a new wave of enthusiasm and controversy around artificial intelligence. Come see MCW's Leo Fernandino discuss how this technology works, how it relates to human intelligence, and how it could be improved to overcome its current limitations.

Leo Fernandino is Assistant Professor of Neurology and Biomedical Engineering and directory of the Semantic Cognition Lab at the Medical College of Wisconsin. His research uses functional neuroimaging to investigate the neural and computational mechanisms of concept representation and language comprehension.

Event info:
Date: 1/13/25
Time: 7-9pm CST
Cost: FREE!!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Join us on December 9th, as Dr. Ashley Lemke presents: Past Lakes & Past Lives: Underwater Archaeology in the Great Lakes

Hello once again!! Hopefully the holiday season isn't stressing anyone out yet, but you're if in need of a distraction, be sure to come on down to the Sugar Maple on December 9th! And don't forget to tell your family and friends!!  

                                                Photo credit: Copyright 2020

At the end of the last ice age, water levels in the Great Lakes were much lower, exposing shallow areas and creating vast stretches of dry land. Plants, animals, and people lived on these now submerged landscapes - and underwater archaeology can reveal what their lives were like. Over a decade of research in Lake Huron has discovered 9,000 year old hunting sites and stone tools.

Dr. Askley Lemke is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is the former chair of the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology and an Explorers Club Fellow. She works on land and underwater to expolore the past and has excavated sites throughout (and underwater) in the United States, as well as Germany, Spain, Romania, and Serbia. Above is a photo of her with 9,000 year old peat!!

Event info:
Date: 12/9/2024
Time: 7-9pm CST
Cost: FREE!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI
(talk will also be available via livestream but no recording for later viewing).

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Join us on November 11th as Eric Manges presents: Where Ecology & Meteorology Meet

Greetings, fellow nerdlings! Be sure to mark your calendar for 11/11 and come on down to the Sugar Maple to hear Eric Manges talk on the connections between ecology and meteorology! While the earth sciences can go in many different directions, they have more in common that what you'd think. Eric will speak on how a tree-obsessed kid became a meteorologist and is now a huge advocate for native species and wild places.

photo credit: iStock - Ig04Zh

Eric is a former TV meteorologist in Milwaukee and has continued to push his passion for the outdoors. He's been to over 30 national parks, but one of his greatest joys is helping restore habitats. He just got married and has a dog and cat. 

So!!! Tell your neighbors!! Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Hope to see you there!!

Event info:
Date: 11/11/24
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: Free!!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Join us on October 14th as Dr. Matthew Facciani presents: The Social Side of Misinformation: How Biases Shape Belief and What Can Help

Greetings my fellow nerdlings, and welcome back from our extended summer break!! Be sure to mark your calendars for this talk but also check out the upcoming months through the attached Google Calendar for more information on future speakers and topics!!

Photo credit: iStock/axel2001

Join us on Monday, 10/14/24 as we start this fall with a very pertinent topic!! Dr. Matthew Facciani will share research on the social factors contributing to misinformation and political polarization, focusing on the role of identity and networks in shaping beliefs. We will also cover practical tips on how to have more productive dialogue, identify our own social biases, and improve our information and media literacy. 

Matthew Facciani is a social scientist studying misinformation and media literacy at The University of Notre Dame.

So!! Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Tell your neighbors!! Hope to see you there!!

Event info:
Date: 10/14/2024
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: FREE!!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI

Monday, May 6, 2024