Saturday, September 21, 2024

Join us on October 14th as Dr. Matthew Facciani presents: The Social Side of Misinformation: How Biases Shape Belief and What Can Help

Greetings my fellow nerdlings, and welcome back from our extended summer break!! Be sure to mark your calendars for this talk but also check out the upcoming months through the attached Google Calendar for more information on future speakers and topics!!

Join us on Monday, 10/14/24 as we start this fall with a very pertinent topic!! Dr. Matthew Facciani will share research on the social factors contributing to misinformation and political polarization, focusing on the role of identity and networks in shaping beliefs. We will also cover practical tips on how to have more productive dialogue, identify our own social biases, and improve our information and media literacy. 

So!! Tell your family!! Tell your friends!! Tell your neighbors!! Hope to see you there!!

Photo credit: iStock/axel2001

Event info:
Date: 10/14/2024
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: FREE!!!
Location: Back room of the Sugar Maple Bar, 441 E. Lincoln Ave, Bay View, WI